Greetings, existence charters! My name is Dan. I am an author, artist, explorer, and contemplator of subjects large and small. My main website is
I have written The Spider, The Witch, And The Spaceship (science fiction), and The Nutcase Across The Street (politics), which you can learn more about on my Amazon author page
Once I have supporters here, I will post videos of me reading chapters from my books.
I keep a blog at to recount my adventures exploring parks, reviewing books I’ve read, writing poetry, and making observations on life.
I just started the YouTube channel WayOutDan to post my drawing sessions, but those videos will appear here first.
I keep a blog at about alien biology to feature some of the ideas of others from around the world.
I plan on restarting my science fiction short stories in September of 2022 at Wish me luck!
I no longer update my politics blog on a regular basis, but you can still check it out.
I am currently writing five more non-fiction books, which I hope to have done by the end of the year so I can focus again on fiction, but Locals keeps me busy.
So please join and introduce yourself and your projects.
I no longer post here. Please visit if you want to read my short stories. This is what I will be focusing on from now on.
In high school, all I ever wanted to do was write a science fiction series. Life got in the way. My job wore me out. Starting a business went nowhere. I had depression. I was distracted by travel, art, and politics. I gave up more than once. Now I am almost ready to start posting. Unable to turn all my hundreds of ideas into novels, I have settled on posting short stories to substack. If all goes according to plan, I will post 42 stories per year for 30 years. This will start on 10/January/2025. Before this, I will post chapters from The Spider, The Witch, And The Spaceship starting on 2/February/2024. Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss a post.
I am starting a newsletter at I will be posting all my adventures, musings, poetry, drawings, and excerpts from my books. I hope to see you there!
Charting Existence is a great name, but I couldn't get the domain name for it. I am also a bit disappointed in how Locals is laid out. I'll still be visiting other groups, but this group will be phased out. SubStack is something I know I'll be able to stick with. I will also be winding down YouTube and Rumble, but I will keep Twitter. Follow me @TheInkdoodler