Charting Existence
Lifestyle • Travel • Writing
We are all explorers. Some of us explore land and sea. Some explore space. Some explore the nature of matter and energy through experiment. Some explore the human mind through self-reflection or creating literature and art. We are all on an expedition for knowledge, a quest for truth, and a journey to understand. This is where we swap our stories.
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August 24, 2022
Published! Why Civility Failed

It took forever to get the photo to the right dpi, but the paperback is out!

Political rhetoric in America is getting scary. By now, most people have recognized the damage it does to relationships and seen how it can eventually culminate in riots. What is the cause of this? Is it the corrupt politicians? Is it the misleading news media? Is it faulty education? Is it miscommunication and misunderstanding? Is it the internet?

After conversing with a great number of people both online and offline over many years and thinking things through from every possible angle, I have come to the conclusion that most people actually like to argue. The problem is one of the heart. The real reason the civility movement in America failed is that Americans are not civil people.

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January 17, 2022
My Rules For Life
November 02, 2021
The Right And Wrong Way To Use Fiction For Propaganda
October 30, 2021
Writing For Self-Inspiration
December 11, 2024
The Most Epic Series Of All Spacetime

I no longer post here. Please visit if you want to read my short stories. This is what I will be focusing on from now on.

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January 08, 2024
Champion Of The Cosmos

In high school, all I ever wanted to do was write a science fiction series. Life got in the way. My job wore me out. Starting a business went nowhere. I had depression. I was distracted by travel, art, and politics. I gave up more than once. Now I am almost ready to start posting. Unable to turn all my hundreds of ideas into novels, I have settled on posting short stories to substack. If all goes according to plan, I will post 42 stories per year for 30 years. This will start on 10/January/2025. Before this, I will post chapters from The Spider, The Witch, And The Spaceship starting on 2/February/2024. Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss a post.

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Charting Possibilities

I am starting a newsletter at I will be posting all my adventures, musings, poetry, drawings, and excerpts from my books. I hope to see you there!
Charting Existence is a great name, but I couldn't get the domain name for it. I am also a bit disappointed in how Locals is laid out. I'll still be visiting other groups, but this group will be phased out. SubStack is something I know I'll be able to stick with. I will also be winding down YouTube and Rumble, but I will keep Twitter. Follow me @TheInkdoodler

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