Charting Existence
Lifestyle • Travel • Writing
We are all explorers. Some of us explore land and sea. Some explore space. Some explore the nature of matter and energy through experiment. Some explore the human mind through self-reflection or creating literature and art. We are all on an expedition for knowledge, a quest for truth, and a journey to understand. This is where we swap our stories.
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November 11, 2021
Models And Reality

I know the difference between model and reality. I don't care whether you call God Yahweh or Allah or whether you tell me the circumference of a circle is 2piradius or tau*radius. The language changes, but the concepts are the same.

My father once told me of the time he was in school and the teacher brought in a black box. It had all sorts of levers and wheels and things sticking out of it. Pushing or pulling on one thing would cause a reaction somewhere else. The assignment was to figure out what the internal mechanism of the box looked like. Every student came up with a different answer. Every answer worked. My father understood that theories are useful as long as they describe our results and help us make decisions, but that no one can ever really know the truth for sure. They never found out what was in the box.

I think in the same way. Reality is ultimately unknowable and so our models must be tentative. I am always learning. I love hearing new ideas that challenge my old thinking, but I don’t immediately throw out my old ideas for new ones that can just as easily be challenged by still newer ones. I don’t need to have it all figured out to believe in something. The physicists who first discovered that atoms are made of positive nuclei with detachable electrons didn’t know anything about antimatter or the wave nature of electrons. They still to this day don’t know whether they are better thought of as point particles or as loops of vibrating string. This does not stop them from believing electrons exist.

Our ideas about cosmology have also changed a lot in the past five hundred years. Our ideas about how large the stars are, how far apart they are, how fast they move, whether they move at all, what they are made of, and the nature of the invisible stuff in between them have all changed – sometimes more than once. This does not stop people from believing that stars exist.

In the same way, I don’t have to understand just how God operates to know that “something” is there. I expect to be surprised as I learn new things about the universe. Is God really a trinity? Is he really a male? Is he really omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent? How does he experience time? Does Hell really exist? Do angels really exist? How exactly does a painful world and a loving, omnipotent God coexist? I am open to all possibilities.

For now, having a benevolent intelligence guiding my life is as good a model as any, ready to be refined as new data pours in. Evidence of disasters in the world is no more problematic for my theory than the “vacuum catastrophe” is for quantum mechanics, or the “ultraviolet catastrophe” was for classical mechanics – they still teach the laws of Newton and Maxwell in school because they are precise enough for most applications and using quantum mechanics for everything is unwieldly. That I sometimes act and speak as if I am on my own without any divine help should be no more surprising than it is that scientists switch back and forth between the contradictory models of quantum mechanics, classical mechanics, and general relativity based on the phenomenon under study.

Which models give you hope?

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I no longer post here. Please visit if you want to read my short stories. This is what I will be focusing on from now on.

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January 08, 2024
Champion Of The Cosmos

In high school, all I ever wanted to do was write a science fiction series. Life got in the way. My job wore me out. Starting a business went nowhere. I had depression. I was distracted by travel, art, and politics. I gave up more than once. Now I am almost ready to start posting. Unable to turn all my hundreds of ideas into novels, I have settled on posting short stories to substack. If all goes according to plan, I will post 42 stories per year for 30 years. This will start on 10/January/2025. Before this, I will post chapters from The Spider, The Witch, And The Spaceship starting on 2/February/2024. Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss a post.

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Charting Possibilities

I am starting a newsletter at I will be posting all my adventures, musings, poetry, drawings, and excerpts from my books. I hope to see you there!
Charting Existence is a great name, but I couldn't get the domain name for it. I am also a bit disappointed in how Locals is laid out. I'll still be visiting other groups, but this group will be phased out. SubStack is something I know I'll be able to stick with. I will also be winding down YouTube and Rumble, but I will keep Twitter. Follow me @TheInkdoodler

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